Purim Tzedakah

Purim Tzedakah

In the Book of Esther, we read that Purim is a time for “feasting and merrymaking,” as well as for “sending gifts to one another and presents to the poor (matanot l’evyonim)” (Esther 9:22).


This year, Temple Beth David is collecting donations for American Jewish World Service (AJWS) and Foodlink. Please join your fellow congregants in honoring the Jewish tradition of tzedakah as we call upon our better selves to remember those in need.  

AJWS is the leading Jewish organization working to fight poverty and pursue justice in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. With Jewish values and a global reach, AJWS is making a difference in millions of lives and building a more just and equitable world. 


Foodlink’s mission is to leverage the power of food to end hunger and build healthier communities. Foodlink believes that the fight against hunger and the fight against poverty are one and the same. They envision a future in which food is recognized as a human right and every person is able to feed themselves and their families in dignity. Foodlink is known to many as the regional food bank but also has many innovative programs that address the root causes of hunger. 


To donate, contact the temple office.  Any amount will make a difference and help to fulfill the important mitzvah of charity.


Learn more about American Jewish World Service at ajws.org

Learn more about Foodlink at http://foodlinkny.org/